La Federsupporter, l'AIAS (Associazione Italiana Avvocati dello Sport), l'AIC (Associazione Italiana Calciatori) e SLPC (Sports Law and Policy Centre)
organizzano un
ROMA, Hotel Valadier
Venerdì, 8 Novembre 2013
Programma -
Modulo d'iscrizione -
Comunicato stampa
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CONI Servizi – Scuola dello Sport e Studio Coccia De Angelis Pardo & Associati
Il diritto antidoping nazionale e internazionale tra presente e futuro
Roma, 27 novembre 2013
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Publication of Draft 2015 World Anti-Doping Code (18 October 2013)
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Court of Arbitration for Sport
Legal Aid and Mediation: New Rules in force
Click here to read the Guidelines on Legal Aid
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UEFA Disciplinary Regulations (2013)
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Pubblicato il bilancio sociale 2013
By Michele Colucci and Karen L. Jones eds.
European Sports Law and Policy Bulletin 1/2013
ISBN 978-88-905-114-7-9, 698 pages
Sports justice is of paramount importance for any club, athlete, and any other person
registered with a sports association. They all have rights and obligations that are peculiar
in the sense that they are proper to the context of sport, and therefore are most
appropriately granted or supervised by sports justice within an autonomous system.
In the name of their autonomy and the specificity of sport many associations
around the world developed their own justice bodies. Some of them seem to be more
effective than others but all share the same goal: to settle disputes, to mediate and to
guarantee the correct interpretation of sporting rules and regulations.
This is not a simple task since the scope of sports justice is not always easy
to describe. In fact ordinary justice maintains its role in granting and supervising certain
rights and obligations that are not so different from those protected by sports justice.
The lines of distinction become even more blurred when issues of individual
or fundamental rights come into play.
This has become an interesting paradox, because sports justice and ordinary
justice are not always discernible. One possible explanation may be found in the reality
of certain countries where the two systems tend to converge.
This book is unique in that, for the first time, ever the Court of Arbitration for
Sport, the sports justice systems of six international federations and twenty-three national
federations as well as their relationship with ordinary justice, have been closely analysed.
The authors are all eminent scholars, sports lawyers and arbitrators who
provide in-depth review and personal insights into the complexities of the topic.
The book is divided into three parts. The first covers the major international
associations in football, soccer, basketball, handball, and Formula 1.
The second part focuses on the national sports justice systems and, in
particular, on the general principles of sports justice as defined by the national Olympic
Committees and by the football federations. Proper attention is given to the rules and
procedures of the sports judicial bodies and to the relevant case law.
The last part gives an overview of all justice systems covered in order to
identify the critical issues and relevant trends.
The aim is to provide all stakeholders with selected and detailed information
in view of raising awareness of existing practices all over the world.
a cura di Giuseppe Candela, Salvatore Civale, Michele Colucci, Antonella Frattini
SLPC, 2013
ISBN 978-88-905-114-6-2, 676 pagine
La peculiarità della pubblicazione è rappresentata dall’analisi dei sistemi di giustizia sportiva posta su tre livelli di confronto: internazionale, attraverso l’analisi dei sistemi delle principali federazioni internazionali, nonché degli organi predisposti (Tas di Losanna); nazionale, con una vasta analisi delle singole federazioni, oltre che del Coni e delle sue istituzioni, ed uno sguardo ai rapporti tra l’ordinamento sportivo e l’ordinamento statale; sistemi giuridici comparati, ovvero un raffronto dei sistemi giuridici dei principali Stati stranieri (Usa, Spagna, Francia, Svizzera, Russia, Regno Unito, Germania, Brasile) con quello italiano al fine di analizzare i punti in comune e le divergenze tra i diversi ordinamenti.
Clicca qui per visualizzare tutte le pubblicazioni SLPC:
- Il vincolo sportivo
- L’agente Sportivo
- Contractual Stability in Football
- Training Compensation in Sport
- Il Calcio e Le sue Regole
Master SLPC in Diritto ed Organizzazione Aziendale dello Sport (Roma): III edizione
Febbraio - Maggio 2014
Programma e Modulo di iscrizione
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Executive Master in International Sports Law and Justice
(Ravello – Italy)
26 May - 1 June 2014
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UEFA Research Grant Programme
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World Conference on Doping in Sport
Johannesburg, South Africa, 12-15 November, 2013
Managers, assistants, editors
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