Study on doping prevention: call for tender
In May 2012 the Council invited the Commission, "on the basis of previous work in this field, [to] initiate a study with the aim of developing the evidence base for policies designed to combat doping in recreational sport, including through information gathering on the use of doping substances in recreational sport in EU Member States"
On this basis, the Commission has launched an invitation to tender for a study on doping prevention (public contract No EAC/18/2013, to be awarded by open procedure). This invitation to tender follows the contract notice in the Official Journal of the European Union on 01 August 2013 (service contract 256555-2013)
Deadline: 27 September 2013
Anti-doping and EU antitrust law: ECJ dismisses appeal from Guillermo Cañas
On 20 June 2013 the European Court of Justice (ECJ) dismissed an appeal from tennis pro Guillermo Cañas in an anti-doping case (C-269/12 P). Mr Cañas had previously lodged a complaint before the Commission on grounds of alleged violations of EU competition law but his complaint had been dismissed. Mr Cañas had then challenged the Commission's rejection before the General Court (T-508/09) who found no need to adjudicate. The appeal to have this decision overruled was rejected by the Court.
This constitutes the second piece of ECJ anti-doping case law following the case David Meca-Medina and Igor Majcen v Commission of the European Communities (C-519/04 P)
EU Council approves fourth EU contribution to the revision of the World Anti-Doping Code
On 22 July 2013, the EU Council approved the text of a fourth EU contribution to the revision of the World Anti-Doping Code and authorised the Lithuanian Presidency to submit it to the World Anti-Doping Agency.
Like the previous three EU contributions, this text was prepared by the Expert Group on Anti-Doping (XG AD) which was created in 2011 on the basis of the EU Work Plan for Sport, approved by the Council in May 2011. The first three EU contributions were agreed by the Council and submitted to WADA on 14 March, 5 October 2012 and 28 February 2013 respectively by the previous three Presidencies (Denmark, Cyprus, Ireland).
The Code 2015 is expected to be adopted at the 2013 World Conference on Doping in Sport to be held on 12-15 November 2013 in in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Course "International Sports Arbitration Moot Court"
I Simpósio de Direito do Trabalho Desportivo de Campinas
2013 World Conference on Doping in Sport, Johannesburg, 12-15 November 2013
a cura di
Giuseppe Candela, Salvatore Civale, Michele Colucci, Antonella Frattini
La peculiarità della pubblicazione è rappresentata dall’analisi dei sistemi di giustizia sportiva posta su tre livelli di confronto: internazionale,
attraverso l’analisi dei sistemi delle principali federazioni internazionali, nonché degli organi predisposti (Tas di Losanna); nazionale, con una vasta analisi delle singole
federazioni, oltre che del Coni e delle sue istituzioni, ed uno sguardo ai rapporti tra l’ordinamento sportivo e l’ordinamento statale; sistemi giuridici comparati, ovvero un raffronto dei sistemi giuridici dei principali Stati stranieri (Usa, Spagna, Francia, Svizzera, Russia, Regno Unito, Germania, Brasile) con quello italiano al fine di analizzare i punti in comune e le divergenze tra i diversi ordinamenti.
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