Rivista cartacea ed on line diretta da Michele Colucci
Newsletter a cura di
Salvatore Civale, Michele Colucci, Antonella Frattini
11 giugno 2020 / N. 7

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FIFA Q&A on COVID-19 Football Regulatory Issues (11 June 2020)

FIFA COVID-19 Football Regulatory issues - V 1.0 (April 2020)

SLPC – LawInSport Survey on COVID-19 and its impact on Football

Edited by Michele Colucci, Alessandro Coni, Sean Cottrell and Rustam Sethna

Version 3.0 (7 June 2020)

COVID-19 and its impact on football - SLPC & LawInSport

Sean Cottrell - Founder and CEO, LawInSport (Moderator)
Rustam Sethna - Associate, LawInSport
Michele Colucci - EU Civil Servant and Member of the FIFA DRC
Nick De Marco QC - Barrister, Blackstone Chambers
Brendan Schwab, Executive Director, World Players Association

This panel of experts discusses the findings from the following an independent and open-source initiative is based on a series of questions sent to leading international sports lawyers and academics from 52 countries worldwide. The aim is to provide an overview of the measures adopted at national level against the Coronavirus pandemic by:
national football associations
leagues, (iv) clubs, and
player associations.


Presidency and Croatia: Ministers of sport discussed restarting the sport sector and making it more resilient for the future

State Secretary for sport Tomislav Družak chaired today the second informal videoconference of Sport Ministers which addressed the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the sport sector.

The videoconference was attended by Commissioner for innovation, research, culture, education and youth, Mariya Gabriel. Members of the International Olympic Committee, Director General Kristof De Kepper and Vice Chair of the Athletes' Commission Danka Barteková presented to Ministers proposals on how to overcome the crisis and relaunch sport activities and competitions.

Ministers exchanged information on measures and plans for restarting the activity of the sport sector in the short-term, mid-term and long-term perspective. They identified the main challenges that lay ahead and areas of possible cooperation with stakeholders in the field of sport at the EU level.

“A special emphasis should be placed on the safe return of athletes and citizens to sport activities and on launching sport events without jeopardising public health. It is also necessary to continue strengthening the dialogue with the sports movement at all levels – from local to international – in order to address jointly long-term adjustments to changes brought upon by this crisis.”
Tomislav Družak, State Secretary for Sport

Member States agree that the main task is to find a way to help the sport sector to restart its regular activities completely and to make it at the same time more resilient for possible health crises in the future.

Ministers also stressed the importance of sharing the information and scientific facts at the EU level, as well as sharing information with European sport organisations in order to coordinate procedures and deliver necessary support to continue the activity of the sport sector as soon as possible.

“The first Sport Council Ministerial took place ten years ago and a lot has been achieved since then. I am happy that today, all Ministers reaffirmed the benefits of the European dimension of sport. The coronavirus crisis has highlighted the importance of sport for our societies, promoting not only the physical activity and well-being of EU citizens, but also contributing to Europe’s economic development and social inclusion, as well as to major societal challenges.”
Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for innovation, research, culture, education and youth

Ministers have welcomed the activities of the European Commission, including the flexibility of the Erasmus+ Sport programme, as well as future EU programmes and they have backed all further activities planned by the European Commission in order to provide support for the sport sector.

State Secretary Družak used the opportunity to thank all Member States for their valuable input and constructive cooperation, which allowed finalizing the Council conclusions on empowering coaches by enhancing opportunities to acquire skills and competences, that will be adopted through a written procedure.

Links Presidency Summary - “Addressing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the sport sector”(pdf)

* * *

Council of the EU: Video conference of sport ministers, 2 June 2020

Ministers held an exchange of views about the next steps in addressing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the sport sector in the short, mid and long-term. The aim of the discussion was to contribute to the recovery of the sector and to build resilience in view of unpredictable future developments.

The debate was structured around the following topics:

• measures taken or planned to restart sport activities in a sustainable manner
• main challenges encountered
• strengthening the cooperation between member states, the EU and the sport movement
• kind of support currently available to the sport sector at EU and national level

Ministers agreed that all sport activities should resume in safe conditions and stressed the economic and social importance of the sport sector. They exchanged best practices and highlighted several points, in particular:

• using EU funds and programmes to support the sport sector, in particular Erasmus+ Coronavirus response investment initiative and European week of sport
• recognizing the role of sport and its importance for social and economic development in the future EU measures and instruments
• coordinating procedures with the European sport organisations with a view to safely resuming sport activities
• ensuring continuous dialogue with the sports movement
• issuing guidelines for conducting sport activities in safe conditions at all levels
• providing additional support to preserve jobs, compensate for wage loss and implementing unemployment benefits schemes

The Croatian presidency thanked member states for their cooperation and contribution to finalising the Council conclusions on empowering coaches by enhancing opportunities to acquire skills and competences. These conclusions will be adopted through a written procedure.

* * *

CONI: pubblicato il nuovo Regolamento Agenti Sportivi, approvato con deliberazione della Giunta Nazionale n. 127 del 14 maggio 2020


The Sports Law and Policy Centre is pleased to announce the publication of

A practical approach to implementing FIFA rules

Michele Colucci and Ornella Desirée Bellia (eds.)

International Sports Law and Policy Bulletin 1/2020

ISBN 978-88-940689-9-3 (April 2020, 908 pages)


This book is updated with the latest amendments to the FIFA Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players
published in March 2020

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