Rivista cartacea ed on line diretta da Michele Colucci
Newsletter a cura di
Salvatore Civale, Michele Colucci, Antonella Frattini
19 giugno 2020 / N. 8

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La redazione di RDES

In questo numero:

Primo piano

Primo piano

FIFA Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players

June 2020 Edition

(including COVID-19 temporary amendments)

FIFA Rules Governing the Procedures of the Players' Status Committee and the Dispute Resolution Chamber

June 2020 Edition

(including COVID-19 temporary amendments)

FIFA Q&A on COVID-19 Football Regulatory Issues

(11 June 2020)

FIFA COVID-19 Football Regulatory issues

V 1.0 (April 2020)

SLPC – LawInSport Survey on COVID-19 and its impact on Football

Edited by Michele Colucci, Alessandro Coni, Sean Cottrell and Rustam Sethna

Version 3.0 (7 June 2020)

The impact of COVID-19 on procedures in Sport Disputes Resolution

First Report 12 June 2020

by LawinSport.com - Published on 12 June 2020


The Sports Law and Policy Centre is pleased to announce the publication of

A practical approach to implementing FIFA rules

Michele Colucci and Ornella Desirée Bellia (eds.)

International Sports Law and Policy Bulletin 1/2020

ISBN 978-88-940689-9-3 (April 2020, 908 pages)


This book is updated with the latest amendments to the FIFA Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players
published in March 2020


Sport&EU new blog

A Blog designated to keep readers abreast of developments in the world of sport

Nota del Direttore

I lettori sono invitati a sottoporre al Comitato di Redazione della Rivista saggi, commenti e note a sentenza ai fini della pubblicazione, inviando una email a info@rdes.it.

I lettori potranno rinnovare l'abbonamento alla RIVISTA DI DIRITTO ED ECONOMIA DELLO SPORT per l'anno 2020 compilando e inviando il seguente MODULO D'ORDINE 2020.


  • Abbonamento anno 2020 – n. 3 Volumi Cartacei (Euro 200,00)
  • Abbonamento anno 2020 – n. 3 Volumi versione eBook (Euro 100,00)
  • Singolo Volume Cartaceo (Euro 70,00)
  • Singolo Volume versione eBook (Euro 35,00)

16 Anni al Servizio del Diritto dello Sport

Volumi disponibili previo pagamento:

RDES 2020

1/2020 indice - editoriale


RDES 2019

1/2019 indice - editoriale
2/2019 indice - editoriale
3/2019 indice - editoriale


RDES 2018

1/2018 indice - editoriale
2/2018 indice - editoriale
3/2018 indice - editoriale


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